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How Safe is Your Home? Radon: the Silent Ki

Updated: May 31, 2020

The statistical support of the dangers of radon gas are terrifying. Here are a few statistical facts concerning radon gas from the Center for Disease Control and the Environmental Protection Agency; radon gas kills 1 person every 25 minutes in the United States; it is the number one environmental health hazard causing 21,000 deaths per year in the US; radon kills as many people as drunk driving, house fires, and carbon monoxide combined; radon is classified by the CDC as a class A carcinogenic, which means radon is known to cause cancer in humans.

So what exactly is radon gas and how do you know if your house has elevated levels? Radon is a naturally occurring, odorless, colorless, radioactive gas, produced by uranium decay in soil and rock, and is continually released through the air and water. The only way you can know for sure what the radon levels are in your home, is to have your house tested. Typically, homes are tested as part of the home inspection process done by the buyer of the home. However, most new homes construction are not tested for Radon until the home is sold by the first owner, since most new construction homes do not undergo a house inspection when purchased from a builder.

You may ask, what are the chances my house has an elevated Radon level? If you live in western Pa, it is 4 out of every 10 homes. This means there is a high chance that you and your family are being impacted by radon each and every day. Even if you have had your house tested in the past, radon professionals recommend having your house tested at least once every two years to ensure radon levels have not increased in your home. If you would like to know the percentage of homes with elevated radon levels in your county, visit

The DEP recommends having your home tested every two years at a minimum. Why do they suggest this? There are a couple reasons, first the dangers of radon are related to the amount of radon you are exposed to, and how long you are exposed to it. By testing your home on a regular basis, you can make sure your families time of exposure to elevated radiation stays at a minimum. Second, the underground geology is constantly changing, as our geology changes it changes the pathways gases use to escape to the surface. With the introduction of natural gas fracking, Western Pennsylvania geology is under constant change. Whether or not fracking increases radon levels, has yet to be proven, as there are studies that say it does increase radon levels and studies that say it does not, but what we do know is that it changes the deep underground geology which can change the path gases uses to escape to the surface. To ensure the safest environment for your family, test your home for radon at least every two years.

There are many DIY home tests that you can purchase and conduct yourself. However, these tests are inaccurate, and will not give you proper insight on whether or not you and your family are safe. So why have your home tested by a DEP certified individual? A DEP certified Radon tester will ensure your home is being tested properly in accordance with the DEP regulations and standards. Having a certified tester will make sure you receive an accurate, reliable radon test result, with little worry from you the homeowner.

After having a professional test your home, your home’s radon levels will determine what happens next. If your levels are low, you can rest easy, knowing you and your family are safe from the dangers of radon. If your tests are high, DEP certified radon professionals can act to mitigate the radon from your home, to bring the levels of radon down to safe standards.

From the months of April and May 2018 Home Radon Pros is offering a $20.00 discount on our regular

radon test discount. This means you can have your home tested by a certified DEP Radon tester for $139.00. If you are interested in knowing how safe your home is call Home Radon Pros@ 412-584-0799, visit our website @ or email



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